Governance of digital media and platforms: Regulation and the public interest
Dissemination conference of the Jean Monnet Network on European Media and Platform Policies (EuromediApp)
Organised in collaboration with the Euromedia Research Group Network and the Communication and Society Research Centre, University of Minho
3-4 October 2022
Venue: Sala de Atos, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho
The conference brings together experienced professors and early-career academics, being open to professionals and citizens concerned with the benefits and challenges of digital platforms in Europe and elsewhere. In addition to the analytical dimensions, this conference provides time and space for reflection on normative issues regarding the future of digital services governance.
Companies such as Google, Amazon, Meta, Apple and Microsoft are currently setting universal standards for online services but their practices not always comply with European values (e.g. openness, inclusivity, pluralism, transparency, privacy, cooperation, protection of data) and they largely ignore democratic struggles and public interest at large. Despite their critical impact on human wellbeing and on political regimes, little has successfully been done to counter-balance their massive power. Informative disorders are deepening, despite tentative regulatory efforts at national and international level.
The EuromediApp Braga Conference aims to address these and other fundamental questions in dialogue with previous and future Project’s activities and outputs (see Events and Publications on this website)
Monday 3 October
Welcome session
Josef Trappel (University of Salzburg)
Helena Sousa (University of Minho)
Madalena Oliveira (University of Minho)
14:30 – 16:00
Thematic Session 1: Digital media platform governance in Europe
Chairs: Josef Trappel (University of Salzburg) and Madalena Oliveira (University of Minho)
Isabella de Vivo (La Sapienza University of Rome)
João Magalhães (University of Groningen)
Discussants: Mariana Lameiras (University of Minho) and Tales Tomaz (University of Salzburg)
Coffee break
16:30 – 18:00
Thematic Session 2: Global challenges to digital media policy and regulation
Chair: Helena Sousa (University of Minho)
Hannu Nieminen (University of Helsinki), Claudia Padovani (University of Padua) and Helena Sousa (University of Minho)
Tales Tomaz (University of Salzburg)
Victor Pickard (Annenberg School for Communication, via Zoom)
Discussant: Luís António Santos (University of Minho)
Tuesday 4 October
9:00 – 10:30
Thematic Session 3: Protecting freedom and fundamental human rights
Chair: Leen d’Haenens (KU Leuven)
Tarlach McGonagle (University of Amsterdam)
Maria Michalis (University of Westminster)
Giuseppe Acconcia (University of Padua)
Discussants: Hanne Vandenberghe (KU Leuven) and Elsa Costa e Silva (University of Minho)
Coffee break
11:00 – 13:00
Roundtable: Building peace in face of democratic backsliding
Chairs: Dora Mota (University of Minho) and Claudia Padovani (University of Padua)
Stefan Gadringer (University of Salzburg)
Inês Mendes (University of Minho)
Antonio Alaia (University of Padua)
João Pedro Figueiredo (ERC – Portuguese Media Regulatory Authority)
Discussants: Paulo Ferreira (University of Minho) and Joaquim Fidalgo (University of Minho)
Closing session
Josef Trappel (University of Salzburg) and Helena Sousa (University of Minho)
Helena Sousa, Josef Trappel, Tales Tomaz, Hannu Nieminen, Claudia Padovani, Luís António Santos, Elsa Costa e Silva, Mariana Lameiras, Francisco Conrado and Claudia Dominguez