Societal Implications of Media Platformisation
Opportunities and Pitfalls for Policy and Governance in the Digital Age
Conference of the Jean Monnet Network on European Media and Platform Policies (EuromediApp)
6-7 July 2023
Venue: University Foundation
Address: Egmontstraat 11, rue d’Egmont, 1000 Brussels
In this conference, we bring you the highlights of our work on the governance of digital platforms, over the past two years. We are planning an interactive session with politicians and policymakers on the implementation of the Digital Services Act and the European Media Freedom Act. We will address the future of work in the platform society and discuss ownership transparency and European identity in the digital age. Furthermore, the role of public broadcasters and public values in the age of platforms will be discussed. Not only looking at Europe, we also present and evaluate global digital innovation paradigms.

Thursday, 6 July
13:00 –14:30
Session 1: Achievements of EuromediApp and Lessons Learned
Chair: Josef Trappel
- Highlights from the EuromediApp project by Josef Trappel
- Insights from students who have attended the Spring School: Phoebe Kwan and Jason Bonsall
- Premiere documentary film on media platformisation, “The Media Puzzle” by Ryslaine Boumahdi
15:00 – 16:30
Session 2: Critical reading and implications of the implementation of the Digital Services Act and the European Media Freedom Act
Chair: Tarlach McGonagle
- Discussion on the possible pitfalls in the implementation of the DSA and the European Media Freedom Act
- Examination of the long-term sustainability of these initiatives
- Roundtable with esteemed panelists:
- Maria Luisa Stasi: Head of Law and Policy for digital markets at ARTICLE 19
- Wouter Gekiere: Head of EBU Brussels Office
- Aleksandra Kuczerawy, CiTiP, KU Leuven
16:30 – 18:15
Session 3: The future of work in the platform society
Chair: Leen d’Haenens
- Valeria Pulignano (KU Leuven, Centre for Sociological Research): Freelancing work through Labour Platforms: opportunities and challenges
- Ana Maria Corrêa Harcus (CiTiP, KU Leuven): (Un)fair Treatment of Platform Workers
Drinks at the University Foundation, Brussels
Friday, 7 July
9:00 – 10:15
Session 4: Media and Platform Ownership Transparency in the Digital Age
Chair: Hanne Vandenberghe
- Presentation of sister project Euromedia Ownership Monitor (EurOMO) by Tales Tomaz
10:30 – 11:15
Session 5: European Identity, Public Values and Public Service Media in the Age of Platforms
Chair: Helena Sousa
- Discussion Panel:
- Andrea Miconi (Department of Communication, Arts and Media IULM University and coordinator
EUMEPLAT project, Media Platforms and European Identity) and Daniël Biltereyst (Film and Media
Studies at the Department of Communication Studies, Ghent University and co-supervisor
EUMEPLAT project): The Eumeplat research project: Reflections on media and Europeanisation - Tim Raats (VUB, partner in CHANSE-project Public Service Media in the Age of Platforms):
Reinventing universalism in the platform age - Jo Pierson (Hasselt University, Professor Responsible Digitalisation): Data disentanglement for
safeguarding European public values in media platforms - Discussant: Karen Donders (Director of Public Value at the Flemish public broadcaster VRT)
- Andrea Miconi (Department of Communication, Arts and Media IULM University and coordinator
11:30 – 12:30
Session 6: Looking beyond Europe
Chair: Hannu Nieminen
- Robin Mansell (Department of Media and Communications, London School of Economics and Political Science, Professor Emerita of New Media and the Internet and member of the advisory board of EuromediApp): Digital Governance Dilemmas: Likelihood of Proportional and Effective Regulatory Measures Beyond Europe
- Benedetta Brevini (University of Sydney): Global challenges, green challenges: it is time to place the climate emergency at the center stage in Communication policy
12:30 – 13:00
Highlights: Photos and videos
Leen d’Haenens
Hanne Vandenberghe