Edited by Hannu Nieminen, Helena Sousa, and Claudia Padovani
Digital Technology Innovation: Mythical Claims About Regulatory Efficacy
Robin Mansell
London School of Economics

Into the Metaverse: Technical Challenges, Social Problems, Utopian Visions, and Policy Principles
Vincent Mosco
Queen’s University Canada

Why Has the EU Been Late in Regulating Social Media Platforms?
Hannu Nieminen
University of Helsinki
Claudia Padovani
University of Padua
Helena Sousa
University of Minho

The Return of Billiard Balls? US–China Tech War and China’s State-Directed Digital Capitalism
Jack Linchuan Qiu
Nanyang Technological University

Curating Video-on-Demand: Silences and Interruptions by a Neo-Liberal State
Vibodh Parthasarathi
Jamia Millia Islamia

Checking the Power of Technology Business in Public Roles Through Strategic Litigation: Case Examples from Kenya
Grace Mutung’u
University of Nairobi

Brazilian Fake News Bill: Strong Content Moderation Accountability but Limited Hold on Platform Market Power
Tales Tomaz
University of Salzburg

Global Digital Lords and Privatisation of Media Policy: The Australian Media Bargaining Code
Benedetta Brevini
University of Sidney

Another Media System is Possible: Ripping Open the Overton Window, From Platforms to Public Broadcasting
Victor Pickard
University of Pennsylvania

Edited by Tales Tomaz and Josef Trappel
No innocents: Platforms, politics, and media struggling with digital governance
Tales Tomaz
University of Salzburg
Josef Trappel
University of Salzburg

Combatting disinformation with crisis communication: An analysis of Meta’s newsroom stories
Michaël Opgenhaffen
KU Leuven

Promoting responsible AI: A European perspective on the governance of artificial intelligence in media and journalism
Colin Porlezza
Università della Svizzera Italiana

Platform regulation and “overblocking” – The NetzDG discourse in Germany
Jens Pohlmann
University of Bremen
Adrien Barbaresi
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Peter Leinen
German National Library in Frankfurt

The “neo-intermediation” of large on-line platforms: Perspectives of analysis of the “state of health” of the digital information ecosystem
Isabella de Vivo
University of Rome La Sapienza

Where to next with Australia’s News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code?
Tim Dwyer
University of Sydney
Terry Flew
University of Sydney
Derek Wilding
University of Technology Sydney

Societal implications of media platformisation: opportunities and pitfalls for policy and governance in the digital age
EuromediApp – activities and challenges
Josef Trappel
University of Salzburg
Digital governance dilemmas: likelihood of proportional and effective regulatory measures beyond Europe
Robin Mansell
London School of Economics and Political Science
Insights from EuromediApp Spring School
Phoebe Kwan
KU Leuven
Jason Bonsall
University of Padova
Bargaining power in online freelancing platform work in creative knowledge work in Europe: potentialities and pitfalls
Valeria Pulignano
KU Leuven
EurOMo: database with media owners in all EU countries
Tales Tomaz
University of Salzburg
On platformization and europeanization
Andrea Miconi
University of Milan
Daniël Biltereyst
Gent University
Public service media and platformization: conceptualizing challenges
Tim Raats
Free University of Brussels
Data disentanglement for safeguarding: European public values in media platforms
Jo Pierson
Hasselt University and Free University of Brussels
Global challenges, green challenges: it is time to place to place the climate emergency at centre stage in Communication policy
Benedetta Brevini
University of Sydney and London School of Economics and Political Science
Governance of digital media and platforms: regulation and public interest
Copyright content moderation policies: complexification and concentration in platform governance
João Magalhães
University of Groningen
Why Europe has been ineffective in regulating social media platforms
Hannu Nieminen
University of Helsinki
Claudia Padovani
University of Padua
Helena Sousa
University of Minho
The Brazilian fake news bill: strong measures, but limited scopes
Tales Tomaz
University of Salzburg
Radical imaginaries: moving toward public ownership and control of media infrastructures
Victor Pickard
Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania
The European Media Freedom Act: a last chance to recentre fundamental rights in media and platform regulation?
Tarlach McGonagle
University of Amsterdam
Online Safety Bill [UK]
Maria Michalis
University of Westminster
EuromediApp's Manifesto: Quality of European News Ecology
A call for media and platforms to act and positively shape the news in the digital future
Elaborated by students and academic staff of the EuromediApp's Winter School "Quality of European News Ecology" in February 2022
European Governance Models of Digital Platforms
From State’s control to State’s control: the historical conceptualisation of censorship and content control
Gergely Gosztonyi
Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)
Global platform companies and national media systems: network power and challenges to the established order
Aske Kammer
Danish School of Media and Journalism
Should digital media platforms be regulated at all? Where is the place of Freedom of Expression in this?
Judit Bayer
University of Münster / Budapest Business University of Applied Sciences
Quality of the European News Ecology
Working paper
Helle Sjøvaag
University of Stavanger
Working paper
Susana Salgado
University of Lisbon
European Political Democracy
Value conflicts and value polarization in Europe as a challenge to democracy
Hans-Jörg Trenz
University of Copenhagen
Digital platforms and the shadow of illiberal democracy: lessons from Central and Eastern Europe
Václav Štětka
Loughborough University
Gender, party politics and democracy in Europe: Studying European Parliament’s political groups in turbulent times
Johanna Kantola
Tampere University